Строительство 4-й линии выгрузки

increase in grain throughput capacity
expansion of grain
storage capacity
увеличение скорости приемки груза автотранспортом до 1000 автомобилей в сутки
организация приёма груза
с моря с судов
установка четвертой судопогрузочной машины
установка первой судоразгрузочной машины
Extension of deep-water berth No. 38 at NUTEP

the only berth in Novorossiysk able to serve ocean-type container vessels up to 10,000 TEUs
increase of the terminal
throughput capacity
KSK development program

дноуглубительные работы до отметки 14,5 м на причале №40
строительство причала №40а и проведение дноуглубительных работ до отметки 16,9 м
expansion of grain
storage capacity
simultaneous mooring of two Panamax vessels
speed increase of vehicle reception up to 600 vehicles per day
increase in grain throughput capacity
Construction of berth No 38 at NUTEP

the only berth in Novorossiysk able to serve ocean-type container vessels up to 10,000 TEUs
increase of the terminal
throughput capacity
Railway complex construction

commissioning of own 6-track railway yard
minimum useful track length
total effective tracks' length
simultaneous reception of two container trains
Ro-Ro handling complex construction at KSK

construction of a specialized berth for Ro-Ro cargo with throughput capacity of 10 000 cars per year
storage area for up to 500 cars simultaneously
KSK Grain Terminal construction

12 silos with capacity 116,000 t
the increase the loading speed to the vessel
Lanuch of the 2-lines facilities for receiving grain from trucks. Construction of a transport gallery to berths No 40, 41
increase in terminal throughput capacity
NUTEP Container Terminal modernisation

purchase and launch of new equipment (STS crane - Liebherr Postpanamaks and Liebherr mobile crane)
launch of specialized equipment for handling refrigerated containers
Clearing the territory by moving the railway line doubled the capacity of container storage